This week we are entering into Cancer season!


Sun (planet of life and energy) moves into the sign of Cancer on Tuesday the 20th while with Mercury- the planet that rules communication- follows right behind the sun and enters Cancer on Wednesday the 21st! No matter what your sun or ascendant sign is this will have an affect on you... and Cancer rules an area within every person's natal chart.

Cancer is a sign that 'rules the roost' meaning that your focus on home and comfort will be highlighted for the next 30 days, as well as an interest in family and family life. We can't help but find ourselves gravitating towards the things that comfort and nurture us- our emotions and sensitive sides can truly get the best of us- in both good and bad ways! For all of us we are influenced by our emotions and feelings where our energy ebbs and flows like the phases of the moon (which just happens to rule Cancer)! Some of us will feel our emotions intensify or we can super in-tune to changes in our environment. Use this extra sensitive time to feel out the vibes to help you pick up on signals and messages you normally may miss out on... Cancer energy helps you to be super receptive!


Mercury- the planet that rules communication- moves into Cancer this week and this increases the Cancer influence even further! Communication becomes far more personal and feeling focused. Our minds change and flux as our feelings and energy levels change.


On the 23rd Cancer energy spills over when we will experience the new moon!

New Moons are all about new beginnings & fresh starts so on this day and the few days following this new moon you will want to set intentions that are close to your heart! Mercury, Mars, Sun, and Moon all falling within the sign of Cancer asks you to focus on your comfort, needs, and feelings & emotions! Your feelings and emotions are EVERYTHING this New Moon and like a radar will work to make you highly tuned into what needs healing and attention, what your heart really deeply wants, and how to make your life so much more pleasurable! If you are feeling sadness or emptiness then this points the way to where you need to ask the universe for want you want and need to help to fill that void! If you have are happy this is the time to express gratitude and to snuggle further into your comfort and enjoy the moment!


We end this week strong with Venus- planet of beauty and love- contacting Pluto- the planet of transformation- in a beautiful trine! This is where passion and beauty intensify and become magical! This is perfect for building partnerships & relationships, making changes in appearance, sprucing up the home (of course, with so many of the personal planets moving through Cancer!), and to be creative!

TAROT MESSAGE- Empress & Magician

If you find yourself worrying at ALL this week then you've missed the mark!
This means that you are neglecting your inner Empress and are ignoring your inner Magician's power... something  (It's okay! It happens the best of us!! ;)
Empress reminds us that this world is abundantly filled & you will not be left without!
Remember your laws of attraction practice? Yes, bring that back into rotation this week!!
The Magician reminds you that you have everything that you need to be successful & fruitful at your fingertips... you just need to know HOW to work your tools to manifest and to bring in abundance even further... & have the guts to OWN & WORK your magic!

These cards are powerful in the sense that they work incredible intent but know better to NOT physically force things to happen!

Worrying ROBS you of your power... nix that ASAP!

Empress & Magician set the intention and the tone, they work their magic and they watched it all unfold right before their eyes magically!
This will it will set the tone for you for the rest of this week!
If at any point you feel yourself slipping come back to the set of cards and remind yourself of your personal power, the power of intention & writing things down, and step back and allow the universe to work its magic on your behalf!