Dear Fire Signs,

You are lit up with tremendous spiritual growth at the moment! You are guided in the current limbo phase that we are in to open up to a totally new and wild perspective shift. This shift is ultimately for your own enlightenment which you will later on (in the near future) share with with the world or intimately in your community.

Remember, we are 50% human and 50% spiritual beings. The spiritual side of you is now vibrating as the Divine is reaching out to access you. The Divine’s goal is to give you a totally new way of seeing yourself and the world. Don’t be surprised if in the next few days you see your purpose change, sometimes revolutionizing again and again! You’ll have many moments where you change your mind and change your direction. This change is GOOD and as always it comes in perfect divine timing. Speaking of time, Spirit is nudging me to tell you to actually make MORE time to receive these incoming A-ha moments of enlightenment. No, you are not going crazy so don’t despair or feel like you’ve done something wrong. Embrace and actually encourage these moments with HUMOR and laughter! Remember the elightened one- Buddha with his abundant belly and big happy grin! You’ll be like a laughing Buddha yourself as trust fall deeper into your spiritual purpose now!


Dear Air Signs,

You are blocked right now from all movement. Spirit has called you into stillness so you can really SEE and accept a harsh truth or reality that you may have been trying for too long to distract yourself from. Spirit wants you to stop running, sit down and unpack. Here you will find a sanctuary- a safe space- where you can look deep into the belly of what you’ve been evading until now. The presence of what you see will feel like it burns a hole through you but it’s there to transform and change you. Forgiveness of yourself and others needs to be observed now and acknowledged. This includes deep forgiveness and act of surrender, not just something you talk about only and don’t take seriously. Let your guard down and be honest. Remove distractions and really face these issues no matter how painful or heavy the weight. There is something here that you’ve been needing to do. Do it. Move from a space of love and compassion. 


Dear Earth Signs,

You’ve really been needing to feel support for a long time. You’ve been doing most things (maybe even ALL things) all on your own and Spirit sees this as a problem.

The world has slowed down and now you’re being guided to strengthen your relationships- with others and with the Divine. Listen and consider other’s perspectives Engage with people whose hearts are open and bring light to you. You’ve been in your head and not your heart, or if you have been in your heart then it is your heart that has been heavy, weighing your mind down.

When you come out of this period you will want to have a more solid connection with Others (friends, family, the Divine, etc.). You are reminded that when your world starts to pick up speed again that you should not move back into a mindset of you continuing the journey alone or doing all things all by yourself. This includes asking for help, letting love flow in, participating in more group activities (activities that don’t involve work or your vices).

Express gratitude for play, friendships and silliness. Have fun, be silly and smile! Miracles also are revolving around you now but you’ll only be able to see and experience them if you make room for seeing the world from a space of childlike wonder again. Expect surprises, look for sunlight, laugh at nothing! :) In the next few days if you commit to embracing your life with a sense of wonder and lightness you will see an immediate change in your overall quality of life but also the synchronistic signs become more clear and obvious and all of your relationships will thrive.


Dear Water Signs,

During this isolation you’re guided to observe your emotional body. This means to sit with your past disappointments, heartache, and suffering. Don’t dwell in this space but sit with it. See how you have been transformed because of it. In an odd way you are called to make friends with all that has happened because Spirit has actually called it into your life for the purpose of giving you more faith in divine alignment, in your heart and in your Self.

If all things fell apart exactly as we wanted them we would expect that all the time, forget gratitude for them and become complacent. It’s the moments when things seem unfair or stagnant that we lean on our faith in ourselves and in a higher power and even express more heartfelt gratitude when they do appear.

Also, Spirit is telling me to tell you to look back and see how your sensitivity served as a gift. It was your gut feeling that highlighted imbalance or signaled that something wasn’t right.

Despite it all, Water Child, you survive. Because you survived you are more clear on what you want and what you don’t need in your life so you can continue to thrive.

Your biggest challenge (that is ending now) was you waiting for others to show YOU that they care or value you. You were waiting for your wealth (emotionally, physically, spiritually) to come in.

You are guided to see now that it’s YOU who is to create your own opportunities, to be your own great leader, and to prioritize yourSelf! Emotionally simplify by cleansing the burdens on your heart. Thank the lessons for their service and release the past with tremendous gratitude. You are a Chosen One- meaning that you are destined to do and receive great things! Prepare for this with a total emotional release and rebirth!