

COVERING DEC 31, 2019- JAN 6TH, 2019


Happy new year, my loves!

It’s only the beginning and we’re already starting with a bang!!! This is why I’ve been telling you guys to relax and coast (as much as you can!) for the final 2-3 weeks of 2018 to conserve your energy for this moment!

As you know, Mars was moving through Pisces which had us all feeling like we were either walking through mud or trying to run in water- it was absolutely impossible! Emotionally things were bubbling up to the surface- feelings we needed to face after one of the most challenging years in a long time. It was almost like we were being called to DETOX- and I suggested and saw the emphasis of earth and water meeting for magick. I called in charged bath soaks, herbal soaks, tears, sweat, baptisms, floating… merging the salt of the earth with what sustains life: water.

We NEEDED this in order to create a clean slate and prepare for 2019. Now here we are!


  • 1/1: Mars (action) moves into Aries. Now this is where finally we are able to turn our own personal ‘energy packs’ on! Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the one who charges forward and leads the way for the other signs and Mars moving into this sign for the first of the year ignites you so you are now most likely in a place where you can take ACTION on your plans that have been budding and building! The planets will show you potential energy- they won’t make the moves FOR you. So this is giving you the green light to focus, to lock in to your goal and begin to assert the energy of effort required for a relationship, career, travel, etc. to take it off of the ground!

    (see intuitive message card share below for additional confirmation!)

  • 1/2 - Sun (life energy/ focus) meets with Saturn in the sign of Capricorn (ruled by Saturn)! Sun is currently moving through Capricorn emphasizing focus, dedication, commitment, hardworking. This brings stability to your goals and if invested and you’re willing to work hard what you initiate during this time has a greater chance of lasting than during any other moment or transit. The sun meeting with Saturn grounds you tremendously- you are able to see and feel things for with they are and create a concrete plan to support and grow them.

  • 1/4- Mercury (communication) meets with Neptune; this is the perfect combination as sun is still conjoined with Saturn! What we have is good ideas, conversations, connections that flow to you and forward effortlessly with the ability to take them from a dream and idea to actual materialization. This is a day for meetings, idea exchanges, publishing, brainstorming, creative projects, expressing yourself, writing intentions, working magick. (see below for herbs to compliment the energy of this week for magick) // Sun sextile Neptune; creates an inner glow that connects you with ease to the divine. Tap into this through mediation, intention, prayer! Ask for messages, signs, and confirmation! Pull out your tarot, pendulum, etc. Answers will come!

  • 1/5 Mercury moves into Capricorn- again, more signs that something is budding and ready to materialize! Capricorn is notorious for focusing on work, career, social status, rules, and structure but it extends outside of that. What are you committing yourself to? Create a plan for yourself. Get organized. Make room for it! The planets need to see tangible efforts to help bring in tangible results!

  • 1/6 New Moon in Capricorn- Solar Eclipse! A separate post with details for this moon will be added shortly! There is so much to talk about with this baby!

Herbs available for candle magick, ritual, offerings, and more in BehatiLife Apothecary.

Herbs available for candle magick, ritual, offerings, and more in BehatiLife Apothecary.


Focus on fire and earth this week. Put water magick, bath soaks, detoxes to rest. Candle magick, divination, herbal and earth offerings (fruit, seeds, plants, incense are to take center stage now).

Calendula, chicory, resurrection rose, John the conqueror root, sage, basil, Hawthorn berries, juniper, lovage, linden!



“The burden of responsibility/commitment is a worthwhile weight to carry when it’s something that is valuable to you, no matter how inconvenient.” •

Meaning: if you love it & see its value it may not be the easiest load to carry but the effort you put in will feel worth it as well as the reward.
People will do whatever it takes for the things that they love… or they look for any excuse to drop the weight of the things that they don’t appreciate or value.
Moving into 2019 some things will be worth you carrying forward into the new year, while others you simply need to abandon.
Approach from 2 different perspectives- the logic & the heart.
Logic- does it serve a purpose? Does it make sense for you? Do you see it’s value? Does it bring you balance? Peace? (JUSTICE)
Heart- do you love it? Do you find yourself drawn to it? Is life better when it is around? Does it make you happy, smile, feel light? (KNIGHT OF CUPS)
If it FILLS you, it comes. (10 OF WANDS)
Also, sometimes not ALL needs to be tossed out simply because one or a few aspects of that thing aren’t working or the way you’d ideally picture it to be.
Maybe the shell of that thing is worth building upon, versus you throwing it all away.
You can work with what you have been given to begin to create what you want.
Use your #intention to create the change to build & complete the picture of your perfect life!

☝🏾☝🏾LAST THING- sometimes this weight is emotional.
If you carry ‘trauma’ from your PAST we don’t want that to spill into the magic of your PRESENT.
Who or what is around you now with a full heart (knight of cups) was not the person or thing that left you originally bruised or scarred, in fact they may really have a pure heart & honest intention!
Maybe they may LOOK similar (the feeling of love doesn’t really change, you know….) but they are NOT the same.
Give ‘newness’ a chance.
Be open to be vulnerable or to at least try.
JUSTICE restores balance and fairness, encouraging EQUAL opportunity for ALL.
If they weren’t the ones that hurt you they should not be the ones to receive the punishment.



Intensive study of the tarot, mentorship, and exclusive group- all within the Sacred Circle Tarot School!

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